Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Life is beautiful just feel it and live it !!

Some words came in my mind and found them very inspirational... wanna share with you.

Sometimes we feel helpless and nothing seems working for us but at the same time we are not the only one who is facing this.. There are several people who are facing odd for very long but what makes the difference is their attitude.

We all have been given a life and it’s our state of mind that makes it good or bad.. We have to decide priorities regarding our happiness. If your happiness is the slave of your expectation then you will never able to enjoy the life. everyone is facing the problem but everyone is not sad all the time.. Just forget the things we desire and appreciate the things we have you will see that you are really having fun with life.

Everything is not in our control and if it does then life has no meaning and it will become senseless..  
Have you ever seen any suspense movie?? What happens if you are in the middle of that movie and someone comes and reveals all the story.. You will find the movie very boring just because you know the end.. Here it doesn't mean that you didn't want to know the end but this time was not correct.. This time was to enjoy the suspense but because of someone you got to know all the story and then lost the interest.

Please live a sensible life.. Your life is not only of yours it affects your dear ones too.. Live happy and spread happiness..
Truly speaking that though I didn't get what I want but still I am happy from the heart. Because God has given me life to utilize it not to spoil it.
I have best family, friends and dear ones and they are enough to live life with real smile (Not fake). I don't want to lose joy of life just because I didn't get the person i love.. I have many reasons to live happy life. I can see those reasons because i no more waste my time to see what i don't have. And my life is not the slave of any person. And i am not selfish who always think about only their self.

There is no good or bad life. Good or bad is the way we live the life. it’s your choice what you want to see.

I read a quote somewhere and i found it very best quote i ever read... it was..
"I cried a lot for new footwear which i loved a lot but couldn't get them; and then suddenly i stopped crying when i saw a boy without legs"
Life is ultimate gift please don't spoil it just because you didn't get what you want.

Have faith in god and always remember that God may not give what you wanted but he surely gives all you needed.

Forgive and forget!!  Life is beautiful just feel it and live it !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was a thoughtful post amit
"always think about the positive side of everything and you will find happiness in everything and every work you do"